Set Proxy from API

  • Created

We recommend that you read the Getting started with Kameleo Automation article before reading this one.

In this article, we'll demonstrate how to set up a proxy for a Kameleo profile using the Local API Clients. Setting up a proxy allows you to route your browsing traffic through a designated proxy server, which can be useful for various web-scraping or browser automation tasks. We have a separate article about why you need to use a good residential proxy to have the best protection while you are using Kameleo, and we also have an article if you are not familiar with the proxy providers:


When creating a new profile via the Kameleo Local API, you can specify a proxy configuration using the setProxy method. This method accepts the following proxy types

  • HTTP
  • SOCKS5
  • SSH

Furthermore, once you select your desired proxy type, you also need to fill in the follow-up information on the proxy details such as Host, Port, Username, and Password.

With the built-in proxy manager, you can easily integrate any proxy provider with Kameleo even through the Local API.

Below are examples of how to set up a proxy using the Local API Clients in different programming languages:

  • const createProfileRequest = BuilderForCreateProfile
        'socks5', # Options ('http', 'socks5', 'ssh')
          host: '<proxy_host>',
          port: <proxy_port>,
          id: '<username>',
          secret: '<password>',
    const profile = await client.createProfile({ body: createProfileRequest });
  • var createProfileRequest = BuilderForCreateProfile
      .SetProxy("socks5", new Server("<proxy_host>", <proxy_port>, "<username>", "<password>"))
    var profile = await client.CreateProfileAsync(createProfileRequest);
  • create_profile_request = BuilderForCreateProfile \
      .for_base_profile(base_profiles[0].id) \
      .set_recommended_defaults() \
      .set_proxy('socks5', Server(host='<proxy_host>', port=<proxy_port>, id='<username>', secret='<password>')) \
    profile = client.create_profile(body=create_profile_request)

Make sure to replace the placeholders (<proxy_host>, <proxy_port>, <username>, <password>) with the actual values of your proxy server.

For your convenience, this functionality is provided by the Python BuilderJavaScript Builder and C# Builder for Setting the proxy durin Profile Creation in the Local API Clients.

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