Login error - 2147516546

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If you see an error message including only the number "2147516546", you are reading the right article.


This happens because you are using an older version of Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 and hostfxr.dll couldn't be loaded.

Install KB2533623 hotfix

For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 machines, you need to make sure that your Windows installation is up-to-date and also includes hotfix KB2533623 installed through Windows Update. Please find the matching version of the hotfix Microsoft's website.

Install .NET Core 3.1 Runtime

If the previous step is not working you also need to install .NET Core 3.1 Runtime.

Install KB3063858 hotfix

If this is still not fixing your issue, please install the KB3063858 security update as well (Provided by Microsoft).

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