Screen size

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Every display has its own specification such as screen size, refresh rate, display type, maximum resolution, etc. These data can be requested by websites with JavaScript. They can even check your browser window size.

The advantage of this is that the websites will know how to show their content to the best performance based on the user’s screen size.

What does it mean from a browser fingerprint perspective?

The disadvantage is that the websites can conclude the type of device based on the screen size. There are devices with specific screen sizes. For example:

  • 1792 x 828 pixels -> iPhone 11
  • 2688 x 1242 pixels -> iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • 3040×1440 pixels -> Samsung Galaxy S10+

So once this specific size is visible by the site, then it is hard to tell something about our device’s identity.

It can be suspicious when your window size is bigger than your screen size. It can be a red flag for the websites.

If there are several visitors on a specific website with the exact same screen size, then the algorithms will assume that they are bots.

Can Kameleo take care of that also?

Yes, the screen size is coming from the Base profile (How does Kameleo work?). You'll be just one of the many regular visitors.

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