What is DNS?
The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is an important part of the web’s infrastructure, serving as the Internet’s phone book.
What is DNS resolution?
DNS resolution is how you get from a human-friendly web address to an IP address. If you type "google.com" into the Address bar, for example, your computer asks for the IP address associated with that hostname, and it uses DNS resolution to find it.
The main purpose of this: instead of we have to memorize a bunch of numbers, it is enough to say Google.com or Amazon.com.
The hostnames are stored in DNS servers. You can choose not to use the DNS server provided by your ISP, this can be configured in your Windows settings or your router’s server configuration.
If the requested DNS server does not know the IP address for a website, it will ask its parent DNS server, and so on and so forth until the appropriate IP is discovered.
Why does DNS resolution matter from a privacy perspective?
Several websites discovered a method to determine which DNS servers you are using. This is why if you are located in Turkey, for example, and use a proxy server in Germany, websites will think your access point is actually in Germany. This is called a DNS leak.
Kameleo takes care of DNS leaks
If you are connected to a proxy with Kameleo then DNS resolution will be handled by the proxy.
In the previous case, the websites will see that your DNS resolution happened also on the German proxy, not on your Turkish device.