Parallel Automated Browser (PAB) limit

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Parallel Automated Browsers (PAB) refers to the number of browser profiles automated simultaneously with frameworks such as Selenium, Playwright, or Puppeteer to automate the browser

Benefits of PAB-based Pricing

  • Scalability: Scale based on the number of profiles you need to automate. This enables you to run Kameleo.CLI on unlimited servers.
  • Transparency: track your usage with a simple API call to avoid surprises.
  • Timeout Handling: profiles are automatically released after a timeout, freeing up your quota to start new profiles.

This model aligns our pricing structure with the needs of our automation-focused users, making Kameleo an excellent fit for scalable, efficient web scraping and automation projects. 

Monitoring Your Usage

To check your current PAB usage through the API, follow these steps:


Use the following API endpoint to retrieve the current status of running profiles:

GET /general/user-info


The response includes userProfiles for the Kameleo.CLI instances running with the same email account. The teamProfiles for statiscs about all the emails you have in your team (only for Ultimate plan users). A value of -1 indicates no limit.

"userProfiles": {
"automated": {
"currentUsage": 0,
"maximumLimit": -1},
"manual": {
"currentUsage": 0,
"maximumLimit": -1}
"teamProfiles": {
"automated": {
"currentUsage": 0,
"maximumLimit": -1},
"manual": {
"currentUsage": 0,
"maximumLimit": -1}

Quota updates are refreshed every 60 seconds.

Additional details:

  • Real-Time Quota Updates: each time a profile starts, a notification is sent to all active CLI instances in the team. This ensures real-time updates of your quota usage.
  • Timeout Handling: if a CLI instance loses connection to the server, running profiles are automatically unlocked after a 130-second timeout. This ensures profiles don’t remain unnecessarily locked due to connectivity issues. In the worst-case scenario, the profiles will be freed within 2 minutes and 10 seconds.
  • Distinguish between Automated and Manual profiles: profiles are categorized into those used manually and those automated via frameworks. This distinction allows only the automated profiles to be counted towards your PAB. 


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