Set WebRTC from API

  • Created

In this article, we'll guide you through setting up WebRTC spoofing in Kameleo using the Local API Clients. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) enables peer-to-peer communication directly between browsers for audio, video, and data sharing. In Kameleo, WebRTC settings can be spoofed to prevent IP leaks, ensuring that your actual IP address remains hidden while performing automated tasks.

We also encourage you to learn more about Audio Spoofing from our article: WebRTC Spoofing


During the CreateProfileRequest

POST /profiles/new

You can pass the CreateProfileRequest object that has a WebRtcSpoofingType property. This can be used to set up WebRTC spoofing. Furthermore when creating a new profile via the Kameleo Local API, you can specify WebRTC spoofing behavior using the setWebRTC method. Possible values for the WebRTC spoofing type are:

  • Automatic: Your WebRTC Public IP is refreshed every 5 minutes based on your Proxy for up-to-date spoofing
  • Manual: Provide a custom Public IP address
  • Block: Websites can't request your IP with the WebRTC API for sites like eBay
  • Off: Use your unmasked WebRTC IP

To set the WebRTC spoofing type, use the setWebRTC method in the Local API Clients. Below you can find the examples for Javascript and Python:


  • const createProfileRequest = BuilderForCreateProfile
        .setWebRtc('manual', { 
            privateIp: '', 
            publicIp: '123.456.78.90' 
    const profile = await client.createProfile({ body: createProfileRequest });
  • create_profile_request = BuilderForCreateProfile() \
        .for_base_profile(base_profiles[0].id) \
        .set_web_rtc('manual', { 
            'privateIp': '', 
            'publicIp': '123.456.78.90' 
        }) \
    profile = client.create_profile(body=create_profile_request)

Use the appropriate WebRTC spoofing type according to your needs for web related tasks.

For your convenience, this functionality is provided by the Python Builder and JavaScript Builder for Profile Creation in the Local API Clients.

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